Laser Valley Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
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Laser Radiation Safety Standards

        Can guarantee the proper use of laser equipment laser equipment safety and reliability. The operator must know in advance and laser-related safety rules to avoid laser damage to human body. For guards and safety warning signs are described below.
        Long-range laser radiation of electromagnetic waves from a long wavelength infrared (CO2 laser) range, to the near infrared (Nd laser: Yag, Nd: YVO4), visible light (Ne or Ar) and invisible ultraviolet (excimer laser ).
        Laser radiation non-ionizing radiation. In INTEMARK lasers, semiconductor laser crystal rods formed by "optical pumping" incentive and photons. Photon in the cavity between the front mirror and rear mirror reflection of a continuous, "optical pumping" incentive to continue to increase the number of photons, until it reaches the laser beam to produce the photon density, from the front of the semi-crystalline injection laser mirror . Radiation (we can imagine a bunch of invisible light) with the lens alignment and focus on one point, that the light intensity becomes high enough, in a variety of materials processing by thermal effects arising from the effect.
        Laser radiation is invisible, within the visual range, if no preventive measures, the eye is almost fully received radiation, in addition, the laser radiation is usually very strong, the results can harm the eyes, causing vision problems .
To prevent permanent damage to vision, we must take certain precautions.
        Possible exposure to hazardous laser radiation, must be aware of the laser radiation is taking place, if necessary, please wear laser protective glasses.
        INTEMARK system to produce high-power laser may have visible or invisible plane reflected light. Micron wavelength of far infrared electromagnetic emission is not visible, also pointing to the reflected light is not visible. Reflected light to the human eye and skin hazard.
        In addition to possible damage to the eyes or skin, the direct laser can cause flammable materials such as organic solvents (ethanol, acetone) or gasoline combustion, and combustion of textiles and clothing.
Into the laser beam can cause permanent damage to vision can not be cured.

Must protect themselves from the radiation reflected light, because the reflected light can have sufficient strength, the eyes or skin, cause permanent damage.

The laser is four, four laser direct light, reflected light, including diffuse light can be dangerous. Laser source can significantly damage the skin, causing burning combustibles.

Laser radiation


The absorption of laser radiation
        On the skin, the "biological window" similar to the absorption wavelength and eye for the acceptable maximum laser radiation, no eye sensitive skin.

Eye cross-section

        The damage mechanism on the eye, the absorption of laser radiation damage. The extent of injury also depends on the wavelength. Shortwave (ultraviolet radiation: UV-C 180-280 nm; UV-B 280-315 nm, UV-A 315-400 nm) is generally caused by photoelectrochemical effect, resulting in:
        § cataract, or cloudy eye
        § skin black or red
        Longer wavelength (IR: IR-A780-1400 nm; IR-B 1400 - 3000 nm; IR-C 3000-106 nm) is generally caused by thermal effects, resulting in:
        § retinal detachment
        § burned skin
        Evident by the extent of injury depends on the absorption of radiation energy and radiation of the instantaneous power.
Laser radiation and the risk classification
        Laser radiation on the rules and regulations have been established, which is based on the degree of injury to people to define different levels of laser hazard from laser 1 (in each case, a basic laser safety) to the laser-four (under any circumstances, four laser is dangerous).
"WARNING!" "Warning" and "DANGER!" "Dangerous" label
"WARNING!" "Warning":
        Visible laser of the "warning" label, are type IIIA laser. Since the human eye blink instinct, the moment of IIIA laser level observation, will not damage the eyes. However, if observed under the microscope or magnifying glass, the laser radiation is still dangerous.
"DANGER!" "Dangerous":
        Visible laser of the "dangerous" label, the other part IIIA of the same type of laser. As the laser energy and wavelength characteristics, the use of hazardous mark to prompt the human eye can not exceed the maximum security observation time 0.25 seconds.
        Four laser-generated danger, not only from direct or reflected laser, but also from the diffuse radiation. These laser sources may be dangerous to the skin or cause combustion of flammable materials. For these reasons, users must take effective measures to close the possible laser reflection and radiation. The operator must understand the dangers of laser radiation, to wear a specific IPD (individual body protective equipment), including laser protection glasses or other accredited with anti-laser reflection and radiation protection tool. Note:
INTEMARK Series IIIA laser equipment includes a visible laser and four non-visible laser light.

Radiation conditions observed
        Output from the laser cavity is considered to be corrected through the collimated high-energy-density single-wavelength monochromatic light. These characteristics of laser, which can be regarded as a high-energy density of a point source. This means that the laser can be focused on the retina into a high risk of high power density, and the diameter of very small points of light! On the other hand, if the beam through the beam expander and into divergent light, the power density dropped significantly, the risk to humans is also not the same. Therefore, the radiation risk to the human eye depends largely on how to receive radiation.
Into the laser beam:
        Direct observation of the laser beam is the most dangerous way of seeing. This often occurs in the lens after removing the external laser. To take measures to prevent at all costs into the laser. Be sure to wear laser safety goggles to prevent direct observation without laser beam.
Observe the laser beam reflected by the mirror:
        Observed by the mirror reflection of the laser beam is equivalent to direct the laser beam with the naked eye, and direct observation of the laser beam just as dangerous.
Observed by the optical output of laser beam:
        This situation occurred in the fiber and the laser resonator separation, even after the filter and laser protective eyewear can not guarantee safety. This observation of the way the laser beam is very dangerous.
After direct observation of the optical output by focusing the laser:
        This happens when the laser source is not close to directly observe the laser optical output, optical output with just the distance between the eyes in the eye of the laser focus. Filter and laser protective eyewear over only a certain range of short laser spot diameter of eye protection.
Observed after diffuse through the focused laser:
        This is the most frequent observation approach, as long as there have been filters and laser protective eyewear, long observation is guaranteed safe.
        INTEMARK a safe distance from the optical laser systems for direct and immediate reflection just 15 meters to the diffuse reflection is 0.5 meters. Safe laser eye protection safety glasses must be 4 levels above the optical density index. Warning:
Always use a standard laser protective glasses to confirm.
Please note, only laser protective glasses have a protective effect of a particular wavelength, for multi-wavelength diffuse without protection.

The risk of eye and skin
        Even short exposure to intense laser radiation, or prolonged exposure to relatively strong laser radiation, the cornea and the retina are likely to be burned and can never be restored. So do not look directly at four laser eye completely is the most effective way of protection.
        If the skin is directly exposed to the laser focus at the skin may be burned. Can be learned from the optics, laser radiation may be mixed with ultraviolet radiation, prolonged skin exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer.

Safety Guidelines


        Users must be fully in accordance with the laser radiation protection rules and in the safest working conditions, in order to prevent reducing the use of safety equipment. Must be involved in the development of laser equipment on and off the standard operating procedures. Standard operating procedures must be in the installation, use the process to comply with standard operating procedures. Standard operating procedures must be based on customary use of the operator's language development.
        Must be trained on the use, training must include:
        § familiar with the system operating procedures
        § understand the radiation on the biological effects of the eyes and skin
        § understand the need for personal protective measures

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