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How to properly charge the battery for notebook PCs

Time : 2009/10/16 Hits : 887 Font : Small In Large [back]
Some lithium-ion batteries is equipped with notebook computers, the use of smart battery systems such as the SBS technology to accurately measure the battery life, so use this to worry some. Although the lithium-ion battery has many advantages, but to extend battery life and maintain long time power supply, but also need to master some professional charge method.
   The new lithium-ion batteries bought in the initial use will be conducted three times a full charge and discharge, that is, fully charged battery at least once a power, then power exhausted, repeated three times before use. In order to activate the chemicals inside the battery, so that the electrochemical reaction inside the battery into the best condition, in the future be able to freely use the charge that is useful, but to ensure that within one month, the battery must be a complete discharge, so that the depth of discharge can stimulate the activation of the battery performance, battery life plays a key role. If more than 3 months the battery is not used again before using the same should also be carried out with the new battery charge and discharge completely three times to ensure that activate the battery.

   If you use nickel-metal hydride batteries, which must control the charge time, should be careful not to frequent over-charging, otherwise it will shorten the battery life. In addition, the Ni-MH battery should be fully discharged before charging, the charging should also be fully charged, and in normal use before, but also required to complete three complete charge and discharge times.

   Most users accustomed to using a laptop computer each time, plug the AC power supply, very little battery power for laptops. In fact, for at least a month should be used to power batteries once or twice, the battery completely run out, draw a line on a one-time full of alternating current. Remember this one, for rechargeable batteries will run out of power again full, useful and harmless, because the notebook computer lithium-ion batteries for use there is a certain inertia effect for a long time not to use lithium-ion loss of activity would need to re-activation. When the notebook computer when the indoor use of AC is best to remove the battery so that it always in charge state. The best off charging laptop, the battery can be fully charged, do not unplug the power in the charge half-way. Charging is completed, should be 30 minutes before use.

  In addition, because the battery is very easy to run out of power, most notebook computers with only a battery, therefore, part of the pen so that the computer manufacturer has developed a fast charge feature that lets users run out of power after the supplement can be the fastest electric . For example, Dell notebook computer is equipped ExpressCharge feature, you can recharge in one hour more than 90%. To even the not 100% as well? Because according to charge and discharge characteristics of lithium batteries, if the current fast charge to 100%, the battery life on the big warning to shorten, so the back of 10% will be replaced by slow-fast-charge before the charge to extend battery life.

  For the absence of such features as a standard laptop, the best way is to shut down charging, charging off shorter than the boot charging more than 30% of the charging time.
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